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Giving your life to Christ and asking Him to give His Life to you is the most important decision you can make.
Say a simple, sincere prayer with your own words asking for forgiveness and confessing your belief in Jesus and your desire to follow Him. Psalm 51 can help you pray.
Welcome to the Kingdom!
Please contact us about your decision.
We sometimes get off track and find ourselves far from God. Pray a simple prayer asking for forgiveness & cleansing.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Take some time to read Jesus’ Story of the Prodigal Sons in Luke 15.
Welcome Back Home!
Please contact us about your decision.
Jesus teaches us to be Baptized when we commit our life to Him. Water Baptism is a public announcement of your faith in Christ. It’s vital that we are not ashamed of our faith and that we share it with others.
Contact Pastor Ron if you need
to be Baptized.
Becoming a functioning member of a local Church is important to growing in your faith. The local Church is to be an expression of God’s Kingdom in a community. Here we are encouraged, challenge, instructed and helped along in our relationship with Christ.
It’s more than having your name on a roll or attending services. It’s an opportunity for you to connect, grow & serve with other believers. In these trying times, we all need a Pastor, a Spiritual Family and a Place to Belong.
Contact Pastor Ron if you’d like to become a member of
Pleasant Grove
Think of how a plant grows. It has to be planted in good soil, be properly watered, get enough sunshine, weeds have to pulled and pests have to be fought off. Our lives are much the same.
Plant yourself in good soil – Christ, His Church & His Word.
Get plenty of water & SONshine – Bible reading & study, listening to good teaching, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you up with His life and wisdom.
Pull the weeds – get rid of bad habits, bad influences, distractions. God will help if you ask.
Fight off the pests – run from temptation, avoid traps and resist the thief. God and other believers stand ready to help, just ask.
Grow – put your faith to action, pray, find a place to serve, stay connected to The Family of God, find someone to encourage.
If we can help, please reach out.
More NEXT STEP Opportunities
There are several volunteer opportunities for you to serve others. Some are on a weekly basis and some are on an event basis, while others are on an as needed basis.
Ask the LORD to show you where you can help.
If you would like to find your place at Pleasant Grove, please see Pastor Ron or one of our Leaders.
Baby Dedication is an important act of faith in the life of a family. It is an opportunity to express your gratitude, faith and commitment to God and your child.
It’s a practice taken from the pages of the Bible and it’s been celebrated for thousands of years.
Hannah dedicates Samuel
Mary & Joseph dedicate Jesus
Contact Pastor Ron if your child needs to be Dedicated to the LORD or Click Here
Marriage is God’s idea, He invented it. It’s a holy union between a man and a woman who are to be completely devoted to each other. Perhaps you would like to use our facility and/or you would like our Pastor to perform your ceremony? Or maybe you’d like Pre-Marital Counselling?
If you would like to talk about the details of your wedding, please see Pastor Ron.